
What is an 搜索引擎优化 Site Audit and How Can It Help Your 业务?



What is an 搜索引擎优化 Site Audit and How Can It Help Your 业务?

数字世界的竞争非常激烈, so unless you have a nearly unlimited marketing budget you need to be technically savvy about attracting potential customers to your website. 对于大多数企业主来说, the only way to ensure likely customers can find your business is through ongoing digital marketing efforts. Finding and fixing issues with your site will help you rank higher in Google 搜索 results. Doing an 搜索引擎优化 (搜索 engine optimization) audit will lead you to find opportunities to improve your site. Doing one should be a regular part of your digital marketing efforts. If you haven’t done a systematic review of your site’s technical and on-site 搜索引擎优化 in a year or so, an 搜索引擎优化网站审核 应该优先考虑吗.


简而言之, these in-depth site reviews help business owners avoid losing traffic, 这意味着更少的线索和销售. The audit will invariably uncover issues with site design, 编码, and content that might hurt the site’s 搜索 engine rankings. Search engine rankings are only part of the picture. Technical and design errors can hurt in other ways. You could lose lots of web traffic because your site isn’t indexed properly. Usability issues can cost leads and customers, in part because Google will penalize your site and in part because clunky websites annoy people.

从搜索引擎优化审计中得到的结果可能会有所不同. Software tools and digital marketing companies do these audits following various definitions of what a proper audit includes. Nevertheless, most any review will cover some standard elements:

  • 网站的技术问题
  • 内容空白
  • Website structure issues such as broken internal links
  • 网站上的问题,比如写得不好的页面标题
  • Off-site 搜索引擎优化 issues like links from irrelevant sites
  • User experience issues, including pages that load too slowly
  • 洞察竞争对手的关键词使用情况


You can use online tools to “crawl” your site and deliver results. The report will vary in structure and in the details it provides, but you should get a good breakdown of on-site 搜索引擎优化, 非现场搜索引擎优化, 还有技术因素. You may get a different kind of audit by hiring a digital marketing firm to analyze your site and using those results can be a challenge. Let’s take a closer look at how an audit helps fix issues in those areas.


The audit results will provide several insights into improving your keyword usage, 你的网站结构, 你的内容. You need quality, up-to-date content, even if you don’t have a blog. Your site needs certain 编码 done to ensure Google indexes all of it properly. 您还希望消除任何损坏的链接. That covers some of the technical and on-site 搜索引擎优化 elements of an audit report.

You should be employing several tactics when you incorporate keywords into a site. Your audit results will help you figure out how to do that. Pages that are slow to load, for example, make a bad impression. 对于一个网站来说也是如此 在智能手机上看起来很糟糕. A little expert re搜索 will help you understand what your competition is doing to be found, 重点关键词, 内容主题, 等等....... You can use that information to create new pages or to update existing pages. 如果你有一个博客或想开始一个, an 搜索引擎优化 audit can help you think about what to write because the audit will also point out gaps in your current content or 新内容 opportunities that draw on popular keywords relevant to your business.


你的网站会随着时间的推移而改变. 简而言之, this is why an audit should be a regular digital marketing task, ideally done once a year. 随着页面的变化, url改变, 新的页面上线了, the site changes in ways that aren’t always obvious. 例如,内部链接中断. Employees might upload images without adding tags. Page descriptions may be missing or page titles may not have relevant keywords. Those things, over time, will undermine your digital marketing efforts by 影响你的搜索排名.

Some of the results should be super easy to understand, while others take some technical skill to implement. For example, a missing page description is easy to fix. Right a description in plain English that includes a keyword. You may also need to increase page-loading speeds for some pages full of images. That isn’t difficult but it might require some technical knowledge. The same is true of generating an XML sitemap and submitting it to Google. 然而, if your audit reveals multiple issues with keywords, it might take editing and writing skills and a significant amount of time to make your site content the best it can be.


Making sure that the right people can find your site is going to be an ongoing challenge. 它可以更简单 if your site is optimally designed to be easy to read and easy to find via Google. An 搜索引擎优化 audit tells business owners what is good and what needs work. Use the audit as a regular site check-up, just like routine maintenance on a car. 如果你想要搜索引擎优化的帮助, 新内容, 或者社交媒体营销的帮助, contact our digital marketing team to set up a short discovery call.


How Search Engine 优化 Can Improve the ROI on Your 业务 Site

Make Users (and Google) Fall in Love With Your Content




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