




With online shopping and other business transactions being the norm and most customers expecting to interact with companies online, it only makes sense to try to reach prospects and communicate with customers using Web-based tools as much as possible. 为什么? Many customers and potential customers expect to get things done online. Web-based software applications also help employees work more efficiently too. 与这两种工具相比,这些工具提供了一些明显的优势 移动应用程序 桌面软件也是如此. 第一个, to understand why these web-based applications are so useful, it is important to know what’s possible with this type of software.


网络应用程序 可以根据它们的功能来分类吗. 如果你调查这个问题, 你会发现有单页的, 多页, 进步, 还有其他类型. Those classifications focus on how it works not the purpose. As far as primary purpose goes, most business-related apps fall into one of these categories:

  • 客户支持 – This includes a chatbot, FAQ (frequently asked questions), or a troubleshooting guide
  • 内容的应用程序 – Deliver information or advice on topics relevant to the creator’s business model
  • 培训 -新员工入职培训,自学课程,测试
  • 购物 – 购物 carts, suggested add-ons, related items, customer account management
  • 娱乐 – Games of all kinds to keep users engaged and interested so they can be served ads
  • 生产力 – Writing, spreadsheets, presentation, and database software

You might already have a sense of this software can deliver benefits but here are seven reasons why investing in a Web app may make sense.

1. 提高品牌参与度

把购物者变成顾客的最好方法, 并鼓励客户成为回头客, 是和他们保持沟通. A Web app gives you the chance to present marketing messages, 交易, 有关即将举行的活动的新闻, 和更多的. More specifically, businesses can target their content to different customer segments. A personal finance app might present different information to site visitors who are just out of college versus those nearing retirement age.

2. 提升品牌知名度

If people aren’t thinking about your business, they aren’t going to buy from you. 这是市场营销101. 这也是为什么品牌应用很有价值的原因. A business app can reinforce a brand’s identity in a few ways. You can use an app to educate customers about new products and services, 公司历史, 和价值观, 和更多的. Buttons that encourage sharing via email or social media can get new potential customers interested in your business. Giving users a reason to keep coming back helps keep your offerings and unique value proposition on their minds.

3. 快速更新和更好的安全性

A Web app runs from a central location, usually a cloud server or servers. This makes it easy for the app owner to perform updates and address security vulnerabilities. Mobile apps and desktop software take more time and trouble to update. 的 software also runs inside a browser, which means it benefits from browser-based security.

4. 与大企业竞争

One of the best ways to compete with larger businesses with larger marketing budgets is to use technology in creative ways. An “order ahead” app may help a small bakery and sandwich shop take some business from the big chain stores in the area. 服务企业可能会提供免费服务, customized information that you must 搜索 for on a big company’s site after you figure out how to phrase your 搜索 or what category the information might be in.

5. 提供个性化体验

A Web app makes it easy to serve up information tailored to distinct categories of app users. If you can segment your customer base and offer them customized information or advice, you can sell more or keep them engaged in a way that a standard site with standard functions could not. 例如, a city’s parks and recreation department could offer event listings tailored to a resident’s lifestyle. A business could offer tailored recommendations based on the user.

6. 更好更快的客户支持

One of the best ways to alienate customers is to provide a terrible support experience. 处理投诉的基于网络的工具, 请求, and frequently asked questions can prevent lots of user frustration and save time for customers and staff alike. Cloud-based software can record all of those interactions, 至少是时间和主题之类的基本细节. You can use this information to identify problems or find opportunities to improve.

7. 更高的员工生产力

Even a modest increase in productivity can be a huge boost to a company’s profitability. 例如, a consulting firm might use custom software to manage customer engagements, 包括文件共享, 计费, 头脑风暴的工具, 和研究. While this increase in productivity might be mostly a boon for the company, 它还可以提升公司的形象.


的 result of creating and promoting that Web app should be increased revenue. 及时的独家优惠, 优惠券, and 交易 for app users only give these customers incentive to buy now, 从你的公司. 这些东西应该会创造更多的销量, 更多的约会, 更多的捐款给你的非营利组织, 等等....... 提高效率降低成本, which is just as good as generating more revenue so employee-facing apps that consulting toolset might more than pay for themselves.


A custom-made Web-based application offers several potential benefits for a company or nonprofit, all of which boil down to the potential for increased revenue. 的 key to success here is professional software development. 的 DevDigital team has created dozens of 网络应用程序 for 安卓 and iOS devices for clients in many industries. 如果你认为一个应用程序对你的业务有价值, 电竞赛事竞猜APP 安排一个简短的发现电话.


