

November 3, 2022

Posted by: DevDigital


Let’s turn up the volume a bit...

So, if you've read part one of this linkbuilding series, you have likely created content that people are not only looking for, but content that answers the questions of your audience, it contains the proper 搜索引擎优化关键字, and is easy for 搜索 engines to comprehend... that is great! But as we mentioned in part one, those were only just a few strategies; there are many other effective strategies worth considering as well. 如果你想超越你的竞争对手,首要的目标是真正专注于把你的网站建设成一个权威的网站. 这可以通过培养能够帮助你扩大内容的受众来实现, grow your brand, and earn links from websites that are authoritative in their field.

谷歌表示,高质量的内容和链接是搜索引擎优化三个最重要的排名变量中的两个. Over the years, 搜索 engines have modified and refined how they analyze links, 目前使用算法根据他们发现的链接来评估网站和页面. But what exactly are those algorithms? How do the 搜索 engines assess every single one of those links? It all begins with the letters E-A-T.

Concept of E-A-T

E-A-T stands for expert, authoritative, and trustworthy.  这个首字母缩略词在谷歌的搜索质量评级指南中占有相当大的权重, and any site that does not exhibit these qualities is typically viewed as low quality in the eyes of the engines; sites that do embody these characteristics tend to have higher 搜索 engine rankings. 随着搜索技术的进步和迎合用户意图的必要性的增长, E-A-T is becoming a major component in the process of solving for user intent.

The more well-known and prominent a website is, the greater the value of the links that come from that website. A website like Forbes, for instance, 有成千上万(甚至数百万)的链接从各种各样的网站指向它. This suggests that it offers a great deal of expertise, has established itself as an authoritative resource, and is trusted by those other websites linking to it.

The tricky part is earning trust and authority with the 搜索 engines... How do you do that, you ask? Well, you need to acquire links from other websites that exhibit the traits of E-A-T. 然而, 值得注意的是,这些网站不需要拥有与福布斯相同水平的内容, 但它们仍应向搜索者提供可信和值得信赖的信息.

如果你有E-A-T的概念在你的链接建设策略的最前沿, success is in your business’s future. Let’s take a look at more link building strategies.

Don’t Forget 关于 These Link Building Strategies

Refurbish High-Traffic Content

你已经很清楚哪些内容在你的网站上产生最多的流量, results in the highest number of sales, or keeps users engaged for the greatest length of time. To broaden the scope of your acquisition funnel beyond Google, 你应该把那些高流量的内容更新一下,这样就可以在YouTube等其他平台上使用了, 脸谱网, and Instagram.

On the same platform, 您还可以在更新旧内容并更新用词后重新发布旧内容,甚至在内容中各处添加附加点. 如果你发现你所在行业的几个知名网站都链接到一个已经过时的流行资源, 你应该更新资源,并让你所在行业的网站知道它. If you do this, it could earn you a good link.

It is also possible to accomplish this with pictures. You should contact websites who are utilizing your photographs without citing you or referring back to you and ask them if it would be possible for them to include a link to your website; leave no stone unturned!

Get Listed on 业务 Directories

回来links can be obtained from a variety of sources, but business directories can be quite a valuable source of backlinks for 搜索引擎优化. 棘手的部分是选择目录,真正有意义的业务类型,你运行和你的业务位置.

谷歌商业档案是绝对必要的,因为它是直接连接到谷歌搜索的最终商业目录,并为谷歌地图提供您的商业信息, the local pack, and a variety of other Google services. Outside of that, 如果你在美国,使用Yelp和黄页进行本地搜索引擎优化永远不会出错, 以及其他地区或行业特定的目录,如果你在其他地方. 寻找那些被真实的人用来寻找商业信息的目录. In addition to that, there is the Better 业务 Bureau, as well as Trust Radius, which both send Google high-quality trust signals.

Take Advantage of Broken Links

断开链接策略的核心是电竞赛事竞猜APP合集一个有断开的出站链接(指向外部源的链接)的网站,并请求将其更新为指向你的一个页面的链接. But before you start the process of outreach, 你需要确保你的页面是一个很好的资源的主题,该网站链接到以前, 这样,网站所有者就会发现,用你的链接替换坏链接是有意义的.

This strategy works so well because it adds value for the webmasters. 它不仅可以帮助他们修复网站上他们可能不知道的错误, but it also improves their readers' experience;  there is nothing that will make a reader leave your site faster than a page not loading, an external link that "doesn't work," or a page loading too slowly! The challenge with this strategy is locating the broken links. 下面,你会找到一些方法来定位与你的网站相关的断开链接.

1. 电竞赛事竞猜APP搜索那些链接中断的网站,并在他们的位置上推荐相关的资源(这可能很耗时), but still extremely effective).

2. You can 搜索 for a single dead page (404) that used to receive a lot of links, replicate that article, or offer with better, more relevant content, and then contact folks who connected to the original item.

In either case, you will need the assistance of a reputable 搜索引擎优化 agency to uncover broken links, or at the very least, 软件或工具,将帮助你,使你不手动盲目搜索网站. Once you have identified the target websites and created your content, you can begin working on your outreach. 确保你的邮件短小精悍,重点放在有益的内容上,而不是仅仅为了获得反向链接.

Combine Link Building Strategies with Marketing Initiatives

最后的, and certainly not least, 最强大和有效的链接建设策略是多种策略的结合,与其他营销活动无缝连接. 例如,考虑将断开链接策略与影响者营销方法相结合.

This is all to say that yes, link building strategies are effective on their own, 但多元化和相互关联的战略也永远不会出错... Aren't two heads better than one?

Turn to DevDigital for Your Link Building Needs

At DevDigital, 我们的链接建设专家可以改善和加强您网站的内容和品牌知名度, leading to higher 搜索 engine rankings.

When you choose us as your link building partner, all the links you earn are through honorable, merit-based approaches and targeted outreach. 您将能够创建在线权威,而不必担心垃圾邮件或可疑的链接创建.

我们致力于客户的成功,并将尽我们所能最大化您的链接建设投资回报率. 电竞赛事竞猜APP合集 our 搜索引擎优化 department today to learn how we can help your business boost your rankings.


