
客户关注的焦点 – DevDigital Creates an Emergency Response Planning Program



客户关注的焦点 – DevDigital Creates an Emergency Response Planning Program

No local or state government agency can be immune to the effects of natural disasters and cybercrime. They all use various planning tools and methodologies to prepare for these challenges, often using specialized emergency planning software. 回到2020年的春天, a popular nationwide provider of emergency planning software contacted DevDigital about doing creating a new and better version of their flagship product. 随着时间的推移, as new user requirements emerged and the technology landscape changed their original software, 差不多有17年了, 需要重大更新. DevDigital managed the design and development work, including migrating their data to MongoDB.


BOLDplanning, 纳什维尔的一家公司, is the leading developer of online software for Emergency Operations Planning, 营运计划的连续性, 和减轻危害. The software walks planners in local and state government agencies through each step of emergency planning when the need arises, 包括在大流行期间.

More than 30 states use the software, which the company released in 2004. The software was in dire need of refreshing to leverage the benefits of today’s leading-edge technologies. Not only were there some requests from users to improve and modernize the look and feel, but security encryption and permissions have become more important. Standards and rules around things like data protection and accessibility have also evolved.

BOLDplanning named their new product BOLDdna to highlight its use as the very foundation for emergency and continuity of operations plans. 该软件需要各种更新, but they had one major goal for the project – to make a flexible solution to meet customers’ individual needs more easily without significant development work. Key requirements for the new software included:

1. Flexibility, for the customer, the plan, and the business

2. Security, both internally and externally

3. Being future-facing to comply with such standards as HIPAA, NIST, SOC 1 and 2

4. Scalability with the business and with an organization

5. Simplicity, including an intuitive user interface

DevDigital’s team found a technical approach to delivering on those requirements.


The BOLDdna project kicked off in July of 2020. They chose DevDigital based on a suggestion from Stu Miller, current CEO of DevDigital. At the time, Stu was the CEO of BoldPlanning. He and DevDigital had a business relationship going back several years before the BOLDdna project

甚至是一个想法. BOLDdna launched in September of 2021 as a cloud-based management tool using a MongoDB database.


在紧急情况下, planning facilities are often disrupted and need to move away from their home base for a time. This means a cloud-based emergency management solution is a must. 经过几个月的研究, the development team concluded that MongoDB offered the greatest flexibility for this application design. The basis for the entire platform is an application programming interface (API) that allows authorized users to pull the data they need directly into a database, which opens the door to integrating multiple programs from different vendors into one application.

BOLDplanning’s software uses Amazon Web 服务 (AWS) microservices and MongoDB’s cloud structure that allows users to run the application anywhere, 从笔记本电脑到数据中心. Various programming languages can be used with this setup, including ones that haven’t been dreamed of yet. This setup offers an unequaled ability to scale up as a customer adds users.

The DevDigital team designed their cloud-based platform from the ground up to be modular and open, resulting in ease of modifications as regulations and requirements change. The team achieved this goal by creating a solution with three main components: Elements, 部分, 和计划. The ability to create Elements gives the customer a great deal of freedom in capturing and sharing data across multiple plans without recreating all of the details separately. 部分 are simply a combination of Elements presented in a specific way. 平面图是分段的组合. Since organizations often need multiple Plans for different departments, the ability to drag and drop 部分 into various Plans saves valuable time and money.

关于 DevDigital’s Custom Software 专业知识

The BOLDdna project required extensive work with Amazon Web 服务, MongoDB, and APIs to create a reliable and flexible planning tool that could meet the widest possible range of needs. DevDigital has extensive experience with enterprise-level software development projects involving both new and proven technologies and tools. If you have a big custom software project and need a skilled development team, 电竞赛事竞猜APP 看看我们能帮上什么忙.


