




正如商业竞争一样,医疗保健行业也存在竞争. 当然,医院可能看起来不像企业,但它确实是. 无论你是否拥有或代表你自己的诊所, 一个医院, 有多个地点的免预约诊所, 或者健康系统, healthcare businesses are constantly competing by developing innovative business models. 然而,这种创新并不容易实现.

在许多方面,医疗保健行业确实非常具有前瞻性, 但, 与其他以消费者为中心的行业相比, 它在制定有效的营销策略方面落后了.


如果你是一个企业主,并且能成功地弄清楚 如何推广你的业务, then why is it so difficult for a healthcare business owner to promote their healthcare business? 好吧, with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability) regulations that must be strictly followed and the FDA limiting marketing efforts, it is difficult for healthcare organizations to keep up with marketing innovations in other industries. Furthermore, in healthcare, patient care comes first, and that truly is what’s important. But it is also important to note that in order for healthcare facilities to provide the care that people need, people need to know where medical help is being provided and where they can turn to with a medical-related query.

A recent study reveals that 77% of patients conduct online re搜索 prior to scheduling doctor appointments. 皮尤研究中心的另一项研究 & American Life Project discovered that 80% of Internet users have 搜索ed for a health-related topic online. 这证明我们生活在一个“知情购物者”的时代.“这根本不是一件坏事. In fact, it should be even more reason to consider enhancing your healthcare 市场营销组合.


The term "healthcare digital marketing" refers to a subset of marketing that makes use of the internet and other forms of  technology, 比如台式电脑, 移动电话, 以及其他各种形式的数字媒体和平台, to promote healthcare goods and services to people who may be interested in them. 通过数字营销, specialists in the healthcare field candemonstrate their level of knowledge, thereby enhancing their professional credibility and expanding their internet reach. 在信息灵通的消费者时代, having a concrete digital marketing strategy for your healthcare business is essential.

所以现在, the real question is how can your healthcare business appeal to this 新 era of healthcare shoppers who are not only incredibly smart and want two-way patient-to-physician communication, 但更喜欢利用在线服务作为方便的手段, 速度, 完全透明? 好吧, you’re going to have to adopt an innovative digital marketing strategy.

在DevDigital, we have the digital healthcare 市场营销组合 to help your healthcare business reach the masses.

1. 充分利用搜索引擎优化

Re搜索ers at Google found that organic 搜索 results brought in three times as many patients as any other referral source. Additionally, 44% of people who conduct hospital re搜索 via mobile devices make an appointment.

医疗保健 marketers need to keep 搜索 engine optimization (搜索引擎优化) in mind when planning their digital strategy as a whole because of the prevalence with which customers utilize 搜索 engines to locate facilities or obtain health-related information.

Marketers in the healthcare industry can improve the visibility of their blog posts, 病人感言, and other forms of organic content by employing 搜索引擎优化 best practices such as keyword tagging, 描述性页面描述, 有效的HTML标题. 尤其是随着声控搜索越来越受欢迎, it is important for content creators to tailor their efforts to the specific phrasing and structure of these inquiries.

2. 拥有强大的社交媒体形象

信不信由你, social media isn’t just for funny cat videos and watching your friends live out their dreams while on vacation. Facebook等平台, YouTube, Instagram, 更多的是允许医疗保健专业人员与患者接触, 为医疗专业人员提供支持, 改善全体人民的健康状况. 参与社区辩论, 建立专业电竞赛事竞猜APP合集, 传播有关人口健康的信息, can all be effective social media marketing methods for the healthcare industry.

Patients place a higher level of trust in healthcare organizations that participate in online conversations, 根据最近一项研究的结果, which found that 57 percent of consumers' decisions to receive treatment at a healthcare facility are strongly influenced by the social media presence of that provider.

3. 将你的活动个人化

一个人的健康是私事, 因此, 医疗保健营销应该非常个性化. 一个通用的, one-size-fits-all approach will not be effective; you must understand that people go to the doctor for a wide range of reasons from wanting to improve their overall health to having a disease or life-threatening condition. That very reason is why marketing centered around healthcare can be very emotional, and marketers must use the same level of caution not to reach the wrong patients as they would reach the right ones.

The first step in making ads and content that will stick is to know whom you are trying to reach. A healthcare customer relationship man年龄ment (HCRM) platform is one of the best and most important tools for marketers to have. 使用存储在平台中的详细患者数据, healthcare marketers can build their campaigns around extremely detailed target personas. Target personas are composed ofkey demographic information such as gender, 住院医生实习期, 年龄, 现有的医疗数据.

这类数据唾手可得, 你将不仅能够创建一个活动,使当前, 新, 未来的病人希望得到你的服务, 但 your campaign will also show that  their healthcare needs are genuinely your top priority.

Find Out How DevDigital Can Get Your 医疗保健 Digital Marketing 策略 Started

真正的足够的, 说到数字营销, the healthcare industry does have a few more hurdles to jump through than other industries due to HIPAA regulations, 但这并不意味着营销是不可能的. 通过研究和策略, 我们的搜索引擎优化专家, 分析师, and strategists will work to create the right digital marketing solution to best meet your business needs.

The strategies listed above are just the beginning of how we can digitally transform your healthcare business. To learn more about our digital marketing services, and even check out our 软件开发 专业知识,请放心 电竞赛事竞猜APP. 我们很乐意听到你的消息.



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